Chemical irritant sprayed into Ohio Mosque

This is pretty sick:

Njie was one of several affected when a suspected chemical irritant was sprayed into the mosque at 26 Josie St., bringing Dayton police, fire and hazardous material personnel to the building at 9:48 p.m.

Someone "sprayed an irritant into the mosque," Dayton fire District Chief Vince Wiley said, noting that fire investigators believe it was a hand-held spray can.

According to fire dispatch communications, a child reported seeing two men with a white can spraying something into a window. That child was brought to the supervising firefighter at the scene.

(HT: Chris Rodda and Taz Man on DailyKos) I hope whoever did this gets caught and gets a lot of jail time. This kind of violence has no place in America (or the rest of the world, for that matter).


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