Blitzkrieg of the Conservative Think Tank to the Rescue!

The libertarian Cato Institute has just published a scathing report on Bush and his abuse of the constitution. This isn't too surprising, as the Cato folks are small-goverment/unfettered capitalism conservatives, rather than hate-filled religious fanatics or devoted cronies of Bush. And Cato has been critical of Bush in the past. But this should help counter the Republican spin that any criticism of Bush must be the product of the "moonbat Left".

It's not just us liberals who think Bush is a disaster! How could it be? His approval rating is at 33% according to FOX news, and I don't think 67% of the country would idenitfy as liberal. Of course, "liberal" has come to mean anyone who doesn't support bush. So at this point, I guess someone like George Will is a liberal! What a wacky world the reality distortion field around these Republicans makes.

If the Cato Institute can't save us, maybe prostitutes of unknown gender can.


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