More evidence I'm right!

Does puritanism help people become less sexual, or does it merely make them covertly sexual? Can Google help us answer that question? Perhaps! Who's doing more Google searches sex, debauched places like Amsterdam, or repressed places like Saudi Arabia? If you share my views on the subject, the answer is obvious, and according to Sullivan, we're right:

The countries with the most searches for that word is - surprise! - Pakistan, followed by Egypt, Iran, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Hmmm. It couldn't have anything to do with all that Muslim repression, could it? Arabic is the most popular language for "sex" searches. Islamism, like Christianism, doesn't conquer sex; it just fetishizes it and forces it underground.

This also ties in with the whole "bible belt" = "strip club belt" in the United States, which I look at in one of my first posts. (Also inspired by a Sullivan post. We seem to share an obession with defeating puritanism and the accompanying hypocricy.)

Of course, the puritans probably won't take any of this data seriously. It seems they aren't interested in data when it comes to sexual matters. Data like how many lives an HPV vaccine might save, or how many people actually keep virginity pledges, or whether abstience-only education is the best way to prevent the spread of AIDS, or whether contraception is a good way to reduce the number of abortions that happen in this country. Puritans in this country will probably just use this Google data to bash Islam.


grishnash said…
This is another example of convergence of boggs that I read... You may be interested in reading slacktivist especially the "Origen of Love" entry near the top right now. To give you an idea of what you'll find there, it's an evangelical fundimentalist Christian blog that I actually like...
Zachary Drake said…
Those are some interesting posts. I'm glad there are people within that community who are critiquing this attitude. Maybe the culture gulf isn't as wide as I was thinking. It's interesting that a lot of his blog link list is similar to my typical reads. (I've only linked to a few on my blog; I read others.)

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