Religious allies in support of marriage for same-sex partners

Here's an e-mail I sent to Andrew Sullivan:

Hello Andrew, you might already aware of this, but there are some churches actively fighting the misnamed "Marriage Protection Amendment". My own denomination, the Unitarian Universalists, has been in support of legal marriage for same-sex partners officially since 1996. (Before it was even cool!) Individual UU ministers have been performing committment ceremonies long before then, and the UUA formally endorsed such ceremonies in 1984. It sounds like your Catholicism is very strong, so simply "jumping ship" and becoming a UU is not something in which you'd be interested. But some of your readers might be interested in learning about religious communities and organizations where their homosexuality is welcomed fully. The United Church of Christ  (whose wonderful ads have been refused by major networks) is also an organization welcoming to people of different sexual orientations, and may be a better place for people who think us Unitarian Universalists have wandered too far from our Christian heritage (I think you've mentioned them before).
PS: I'm glad you have trackbacks now. 
Zachary Drake


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