In case a re-united Monty Python wants to make a sequel...

I had this thought long ago, but it just occurred to me to place it here. Over the ages, a lot of fuss has been made about the Holy Grail, the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper. Knights have quested for it, Indiana Jones and his father quested for it, it has become synonomous that which is most sought after.

But what about the bread plate used by Christ at the Last Supper? How come no one has gone on a quest for that? Is it already sitting in a shrine or museum somewhere? Is it somehow less imbued with holiness than the Grail? Is it some kind of Art Garfunkel/Dave Stewart/Curt Smith/Andrew Ridgeley figure, forever destined to be over-shadowed by its better known counterpart? Is there any theological reason for this difference? Or is it the result of early factionalism within the Christian church? How come Monty Python didn't go on a quest for the "Holy Paten"?

Or maybe it's because they didn't even use a plate at the Last Supper. Maybe they just put the bread on the table. So there is no Holy Paten to seek.

Enquiring minds want to know.


ST said…
Actually, in pre-Christian legend, the paten is one of the four hallows:
Mad Latinist said…
You are a plagiarist, and I can prove it. You will be hearing from my paten lawyer.
Zachary Drake said…
Yes, I know you wrote a Paten story that as I recall involved a knight who was worried that he would lose "that which cannot be merely misplaced, but once lost, is lost forever." ("lucky stiff!") I also recall some sledgehammer symbolism involving a boatride to perdition. If you post the story somewhere, I'd be happy to link to it and give you full credit for developing this idea.

I seem to recall that it was my Paten/Grail speculation that provided the impetus to the story, though. But I didn't know the word "paten" then. I called it the Holy Bread Plate.
Zachary Drake said…
Oh, and your "paten lawyer" quip is worthy of a thorough bludgeoning.
Anthony said…
Can I be pedantic at this point and point out that what he really needs is a copyright lawyer?

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