Bowers SLAMS issue groups who support Republicans

Bowers at MyDD lays into "progressive" issue groups (in this case, the League of Conservation Voters, or LCV) who support "moderate" Republicans. And he is right to do so. These groups are politically idiotic, and I won't send them another dime until they pull their heads out of their asses. Here's Bowers:
To summarize:
Even though a Democratic Congress would be far better according to the LCV than a Republican congress, even though all Republican members of Congress vote to support the leadership of that Congress, even though there isn't a congressional district in the country where the Republican nominee would vote better or even as well as the Democratic nominee, even though Patrick Murphy would vote better than Fitzpatrick, even though Fitzpatrick didn't really vote all that well, and even though Fitzpatrick's warchest is filled with the money of Republicans who received a score of uner 10 according to the LCV, the LCV is going to endorse Fitzpatrick. That seems like the smart, strategic move in order to help the environment.

These days, the entire single-issue, non-partisan, progressive advocacy organization infrastructure in Washington, D.C. has become a pathetic farce that has no impact on either elections or the issue areas for which they advocate. None of these organizations have accomplished a single progressive legislative victory at the national level since Republicans have held the trifecta. Their advocacy on behalf of "moderate" Republicans has gotten hem nowhere, except that it keep Republicans in power and hard-right conservatives in charge of legislating on their advocacy areas.


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