Creeping Puritanism watch: Hotel Porn

Here's a doomed campaign: The puritanical fundies want to ban hotel pay-per-view porn. Now I realize it's overpriced, the selection is poor, and the versions they show are censored via selective editing, but I wouldn't go so far as banning it :).

Why is this campaign doomed? Because porn is so darn profitable. Huge corporations make big wadges of cash off of it. And apparently, people want it and are willing to pay the ridiculous pay-per-view prices. (My agreement with GoogleAds forbids me from pointing you directly to cheaper sources of this material, but if you can't find porn on the web then you are beyond help.) Normally I'm suspicious of the profit-at-any-price-and-damn-the-consequences mentality of corporate America. But I love it when puritanism tries to fight lust and greed simultaneously. Because lust and greed have the muscle to give puritanism the rich and proper ass-kicking that it so richly deserves.

I'm convinced that if it wasn't for the porn industry, we wouldn't have free speech worth a damn. They're the only ones who pony up the bucks to defend the First Amendment, because they're the only ones making money off of speech that many people would like to ban. If we could figure out how corporations could make money off of getting poor people to vote, we'd have an electoral upheaval of colossal proportions.

And an aside to the porn industry: reform yourself. If any industry is in need of a Cesar Chavez, it's the adult entertainment industry.


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