Frist on Iraq: Move along, nothing to see here...

Greenwald quotes an interview Bill Frist had with some bloggers:
BF: I think what they’re doing – it’s such a political problem – is that they’re taking the spotlight and doing whatever they can to focus that spotlight on Iraq, and trying to separate Iraq from the larger challenges that we have with the rise of the fundamentalist extremists, and that will be it. When they take that spotlight and put it on Iraq, it takes it off of Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, plus other areas where terrorism [exists].
[emphasis Greewald's] Well, that sure shows the political winds have changed. Republicans are claiming that Democrats are focusing too much on Iraq. But I thought foreign policy and war were issues that were good for Republicans. Isn't Bush always saying that "Iraq is the central front on the war on terror"? (Yes, he is.) What's happened? Well, it seems Americans have been souring on Iraq for some time, and Republicans now desperately want them to think of something else. Our job in the lefty blogosphere right now is to make sure the administration can't distract America with parlor tricks. Iraq is going deeper into hell, and we need a big change in strategy or we're just going to get sucked down further in it. I'm for withdrawal, but I'd be open to plausible alternatives, if there are any.


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