You go girl!

OK, it seems like everyone in the blogosphere is spitting venom at Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey for this post on her blog (HT: Jon Swift). I'm going to buck the trend and say I think that post is frickin' awesome. Modesty is highly over-rated. So many people in this country seem to mistake moral, legal, and spiritual equality (which I believe in) with intellectual, socio-economic, and erotic equality (which definitely don't exist, though we could work on the socio-economic part). Some people are smarter, better off, and hotter than others and anyone who pretends differently is completely deluded. To hear a blast of unapologetic elitism is like a breath of fresh air. A sample:

The above list explains why I typically receive 50-100 (sometimes more) responses whenever I post personal ads. This is in addition to getting hit on almost every time I go out alone (and all that those men know about me is that they like the way I look, they don’t even know about all the other qualities I have that make me more appealing than most other women).

So, I have a *lot* of choices of men who want to date me. Given that, of course I choose to date only the highest quality men -- men who are also fit, attractive, intelligent, educated, financially successful, etc. I’m attracted to men from any race and a wide age range (21 to 50 or so) so the pool of men who meet those requirements is quite large, which allows me to add all sorts of additional restrictions if I want -- must be atheist, must be libertarian, must not want (more) children, must be financially independent or self-employed and available for frequent world travel, etc.

Arrogant, yes. But so refreshing! I hope Ms. Passey finds her dream man. I hope he strides right off the pages of an Ayn Rand novel and sweeps her off her Objectivist feet. I hope they fall madly in love and produce lots of Libertarian children. (But she doesn't want children. Oh well. They can have lots of Libertarian non-procreative sex instead.)

One point I would make to her is that many of the qualities she lists as attractive (being intelligent, well-educated, and financially self-sufficient) are only attractive to certain people, and may not in fact raise her overall desirability when one takes the entire pool of available men into consideration. I myself value these qualities in a woman (and am very happy my wife possesses them), but many men do not. Of course, I suspect these qualities would be considered attractive by many of the men that she would find attractive, so perhaps they do make her more of a catch within her "target market".

Best of Luck, Ms. Passey!


grishnash said…
I imagine she's self-selecting an audience that will find her stated qualities attractive. I don't know many atheist libertarians that think that a woman needs to be financially subservient to her husband and that book-larnin' ain't fer girls.
Zachary Drake said…
Yes, that's true. It will be fun to hear how she does. I suspect she'll let us know.

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