Why I am for Iraq withdrawal

Atrios captures my sentiments perfectly. He criticizes this NYT editorial, which wants the Democrats push for a better plan for Iraq, rather than advocate a phased withdrawal:
But the choice will never be between Bush's pretend everything is okay plan and the New York Times' Pony Plan. It won't. The writers of that first paragraph surely know that. The choice is between Bush's pretend everything ok plan and the Democrats' Bush is going to keep fucking this up so it's time to start heading home plan.

The Pony Plan might be a lovely one, and I'm sure with a bit of time I could dream up the Unicorn Plan which would be TEH AWESUM.

But George Bush is in charge, so chastizing the Democrats for not advocating the Pony Plan is just helping to ensure that we will "Keep holding to a failing course for the next 29 months and leave it to the next administration to clean up the mess. "
Yes, there are many smarter things we could be doing in Iraq. But Bush and his administration have not shown any signs that they will do them. So let's get out of there in the least destructive way we can.


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