Here's a great quote

From Sullivan's site:
"You cannot lead an entire nation to war promising victory, produce humiliating defeat and remain in power," - Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit on domestic criticism of president George W. Bush Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
I sure hope so, though Bush and the Republicans have been frustratingly adroit at avoiding the consequences of their awful decisions. But the tide might finally be turning: The Republicans' usual tricks don't seem to be working as well. Trotting out the tired cliches about "Dems this and Dems that" aren't sticking: it's hard to blame a party when it's completely out of power. Bush and Iraq are joined at the hip, and it's a clear disaster. I don't think he'll be able to shake it. My only frustration is that its taken us so long to see it.


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