John Kerry attacks Lieberman

How quickly Joementum has turned himself from darling of the Democratic establishment into untouchable pariah. Lots of sites have picked up Kerry's slam:

Kerry Calls Lieberman the New Cheney

Aug. 20, 2006 — Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., blasted a fellow Democrat, Sen. Joe Lieberman, for continuing his bid in the Connecticut Senate race despite a narrow loss to newcomer Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary earlier this month.

"I'm concerned that [Lieberman] is making a Republican case," Kerry told ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" in an exclusive appearance.

Kerry accused the 2000 Democratic vice presidential candidate of "adopting the rhetoric of Dick Cheney," on the issue of Iraq.

I'll link to Taylor Marsh and Daily Kos for analysis. One thing I object to is ABC's use of the phrase "fellow Democrat". I think "erstwhile fellow Democrat" would be more apropos.


Anonymous said…
Saw Kerry yesterday and thought he did a fine job on the show. I was struck however, by his choice of words,"War on Terror" passing from his lips at least 3 times. Didn't he suggest that this so called war on terror was best described as a police and intelligence operation? As a matter of fact I recently read opinions after the London scare that Kerry got it right!! You would think he would toot his own horn but politics just won't let him. (possible republican switch voters watch ABC I guess)

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