"We're not leaving so long as I'm the president"

Notice how Bush's statement about Iraq from today's press conference (via billmon) doesn't include any reference to any circumstances in Iraq, good or bad. It doesn't matter if they "stand up" or if they are in a civil war (which they are) or if Iraqis ask us to leave or if the American public or Congress or the U.S. military want us to leave. According to Bush, we're staying, period. He's "decided". His connection to reality, always tenuous, has come completely untethered.

UPDATE: The Washington Post has the story. And kudos to them for having a Technorati-powered "Read what bloggers are saying" box attached to every article. This will get them lots of links from me, certainly!


AutismNewsBeat said…
Bush looked unhinged. I watched the conference with the same feeling of dread I had on 9/11. Kudos to that Cox reporter for asking what Iraq had to do with 9/11.
Zachary Drake said…
I didn't actually watch the conference, but I heard similar reports. Thanks for stopping by and giving your input, Heraldblog. And yes, it's always good when the press shows some spine. Let's see more of it.

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