Dry drunk theory: not just for Bush

Sullivan links to this NYT article about British converts to Islam. The following passage reminds him of a certain person:
Mentioning reports in the news media that Mr. Waheed was a heavy drinker and drug user before turning to Islam, Ms. Franks added: “I think there’s a tendency for some people, when they stop using some kind of addictive substance, to be left with a big hole in their lives. To do something extreme is the easiest way to go, because it fills that big hole.”
It reminds me of him, too. It's so sad when the puritanical reaction to human weakness (or even human desire for pleasure) turns a human into someone who is both completely certain and completely willing to use violence. That is a horrible combination when it occurs in our enemies. It is even worse when it happens in our leaders. When is the establishment (media, political) going to treat Bush with the disdain and contempt he so richly deserves?


Anonymous said…
I have an uncle like that. Er, rather, a cousin once removed.

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