Status of Forces Agreement not similar to ones with Germany, et al.

This Yglesias post has some interesting commentary on the Status of Forces Agreement the Bush administration is trying to force on Iraq:
I heard part of a conference call the National Security Network organized yesterday about the negotiations for a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq. Skip Gnehm, who's been ambassador to Kuwait, Australia, and Jordan as well as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, and a number of other prominent positions made a couple of provocative points. One, he points out that "in all of my experience, there are no SOFA agreements that authorize military action." In other words, we have agreements with Germany, Italy, South Korea, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other countries governing the presence of U.S. military forces in those countries, but none of them authorize the use of military force inside the host country or against the host country's citizens. Analogies between the SOFA the Bush administration is putting together with Iraq and standard alliance relationships are, in other words, totally invalid.


grishnash said…
The last I'd heard of this, they were also still talking of including immunity to Iraqi law by U.S. private contractors. Keep in mind that these contractors are already by U.S. law immune to prosecution in the U.S. for any actions in Iraq. Add to that immunity to Iraqi law and you have groups essentially subject to *no* jurisdiction.
Anonymous said…
Cool article you got here. I'd like to read something more about this theme.
BTW check the design I've made myself Russian escort

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