De facto Iraq partition

Whether we want it to or not, it looks like the Iraq partition is already beginning. Wouldn't it be better if it were orderly and managed by law, rather than by gangs of thugs with guns? Meanwhile, Moqtada al-Sadr continues his rhetorical solidarity with Hezbollah. It seems as though the US has a great self-interest in getting Israel and Hezbollah to settle down. If they don't, it sounds like al-Sadr will start making more trouble for US troops in Iraq. One of the many stupid aspects of our Iraq occupation is that it put our troops in "retaliation distance" of lots of groups that don't share our interests.


Anonymous said…
Terrorists would like you to believe there is or will be civil war in Iraq, which is why they are targeting innocent men, woman and children – to create sectarian strife, create fear and to try and derail democracy.

We would like to draw your attention to the widely unreported efforts of the coalition. Every day the Coalition kills, captures and detains more terrorists and seizes more weapons caches. For the most part these events go un-reported.

Please, visit the CENTCOM website at and look in the Newsroom for press releases covering these day to day events.


Spc. Patrick A. Ziegler

U.S. Central Command

Public Affairs

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