Internal Monologue celebrates its 20,000th visitor

Someone from Orlando, FL came here via Technorati looking for info on the "astronaut love gone bad" story. They were using WinXP and IE 6.0 and stayed for zero seconds. Their monitor was running at 800x600, though, which is much a lower resolution than my target demographic, so I suppose it's OK that they left in a hurry ;) But this person still has the honor of being visitor 20,000.

According to Site Meter, people have spent 723.7 hours actually visiting Internal Monologue. Or about two hours per day. Which is probably less time than I spend writing it, or maybe about the same.


AutismNewsBeat said…
I've found that if you post the phrase "Ann Coulter nude", your hits will double. Extra points if you also illustrate the post with a photo of an orangutan scratching his nuts.
Zachary Drake said…
Not that desparate. Even this blog has standards.

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