O'Reilly blames missing child, then delivers keynote speech for missing children

UPDATE: The Center has cancelled O'Reilly's speech.

Bill O'Reilly recently blamed the victim in a very high-profile youth abduction and rape case:

O`REILLY: I don`t believe this kid today. I think when it all comes

down, what`s going to happen is there was an element here that this kid

liked about his circumstance.

This is an 11-year old boy who was abducted, allegedly repeatedly raped and threatened with a gun. Naturally, there was much outrage in the blogosphere at these remarks of Mr. O'Reilly (see this Media Matters link or this Google Search). But here's the whopper: Mr. O'Reilly is scheduled to deliver the keynote address to a local chapter of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. And apparently, they aren't cancelling:

But the local chapter stands by its decision to have Mr. O'Reilly deliver the keynote address at a March 9th **fund-raising** gala at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida.
Um, OK. Because those missing children? It's their fault. Ooph. What are they thinking? Here's Keith Olbermann's coverage of the matter.


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