Obama introduces bill to end our involvement in the Iraq war

Someone just got a few points towards the coveted Internal Monologue Democratic Presidential Nomination endorsement. From Atrios:
Today, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA) and Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-PA) called for a stop to President Bush's escalation in Iraq and for an end to the war. At a press conference in the U.S. Capitol, Senator Obama and Reps. Thompson and Murphy discussed the Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007 - legislation they introduced in the Senate and the House which puts forward a plan to stop the recent escalation in forces and a plan to redeploy American troops from Iraq starting May 1, 2007. Senator Obama introduced the bill in the Senate and Reps. Thompson and Murphy introduced the companion legislation in the House of Representatives.
Kos's reaction:
All "serious" Senate and House Democrats should get behind this imminently "sensible" and "responsible" piece of legislation. It is, in fact, the "centrist" position to take, considering that it's what the majority of the American people want (and isn't that the definition of "centrist"?). And yes, it'll fail in the Senate as Republicans work not just to defeat it, but to stifle debate. But that's fine, because it'll remind the American people, once again, just whose side the Republicans are on.


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