I'm not the only one who thinks our Iraq policy is insane

I love it when people more prominent than me say something that I said after I already said it. In this case, it's Yglesias (via Atrios):
Through no fault of anyone's in the military, meanwhile, the administration has managed to become totally confused about our objectives in the region, where we're no longer sure if we're fighting Iran or al-Qaeda, if we're encouraging or discouraging sectarian conflict, if we favor Sunnis or Shiites. Under the circumstances, we can't possibly be brokering a viable political settlement; we don't even know what our goals are.
Though I must admit the American Prospect story linked to in the quote pre-dates my post by almost 2 weeks and says essentially the same thing:
Apparently, at some point American foreign policy descended from "seemingly deluded" to "explicitly deluded" and nobody took note. Ignatius, obviously prizing access over good sense, managed only to meekly note that "the realignment strategy poses as many question as it answers -- not least the anomaly of supporting Sunni resistance to Iran at the same time the U.S. augments its military support for a Shiite-led government in Iraq."

Sorry, no. The only question the realignment strategy poses is, once again, the one about the Bush team's sanity.

Well, at least a few of us are taking note. Impeach now.


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