Mysterious Edwards press conference Thursday

At noon Eastern time, Edwards and his wife are having a press conference. There's speculation that they will make some announcement about his wife's health. There's this NYT piece:
Mr. Edwards canceled an appearance in Iowa on Wednesday, so he could go to a follow-up doctor’s appointment with his wife. Early in the day, associates of Mr. Edwards said they had no reason to believe the check-up was anything to worry about, but late Wednesday evening two friends said they believed the news was bad.

After the campaign announced its intention to hold a press conference on Thursday in North Carolina, concern quickly among former and current aides to the Edwards family. One close family friend reached Wednesday evening declined to comment on the announcement, but said it would affect at least temporarily the future of the campaign.
It would be sad if he had to drop out. He's one of the few prominent Democrats to make poverty a major issue. I also like that he said no to the proposed FOX News debate.


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