Civics quiz

I got 57 out of 60 on this quiz about American civics (HT: rubber hose). I missed questions on the effect of the Federal Reserve purchasing bonds, what just-war theory requires for a just war, and how incomes by class have changed over the past 40 years.

You'll have to wait for Quinn pictures. Sorry.


Anonymous said…

I got 55 out of 60, I missed 9 (War of 1812), 9 (Lincoln/Douglas debates), 13 (I misread the question as involving Andrew Jackson, not Andrew Johnson), 27 (I didn't understand this one), and 60 (I answered Military, not Social Security).
ogre said…
I got 56--but I'm confident that the income question answer ("wrong") was incorrect. I know that the two lowest quintiles of the population have lost purchasing power (real income has fallen) since 1981. So unless the previous 13 years were sufficient to just squeak out a net gain over the 40 year period....

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