Gen Con Adventure! (a little exercise in Flash)

The next exercise in my Flash CS3 self-teaching regimen is this little text-based Gen Con simulator. I think those of you who have been there or heard me talk about might enjoy this little romp through game geek culture. It requires a Flash plug-in, which your browser probably already has. Pretty soon I'll actually learn how to animate things...

Update: The game can also be found here if my Yahoo! GeoCities bandwidth quota gets used up and you can't access the game from the links above.


Anonymous said…
Hilarious. I like the celebrity autograph line, which just keeps going.
ST said…
I thought the "end of convention" part was missing something - the excitement, actually, the complete and utter longing you feel - to be reunited with your lovely wife and adorable son as soon as possible!
Anonymous said…
Love the simulation, Zac. Especially the part about trying to pick up women -- "Humiliation and Failure!" That's great! Isn't it good to know that early traumas are so fruitful of later artistic triumphs?
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for the positive feedback. I've never actually had the nerve/foolhardiness to try pick someone up at Gen Con. But I've experienced failure and humiliation of that sort in numerous other venues. Yes, it's fun that through a combination imagination and recollection, we can take the ore of experience and smelt it into the metal of art. Or something like that.

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