Nail polish remover is a superglue solvent

Acetone, which is the base ingredient in nail polish remover, can dissolve super glue. This is a very useful fact to know, and I hope that someday, you will have occasion to use this fact and that you will thank Internal Monologue for having imparted this knowledge to you.

I bet this crazy dwarf performance artist really wishes he knew that:

Dwarf superglues todger to hoover

Staff at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh battled for an hour to disconnect the penis of Captain Dan The Demon Dwarf from a hoover after the diminutive Fringe performer inadvertantly superglued it to the vacuum cleaner's "attachment".

According to the Evening Standard, the hoover forms part of Captain Dan's Circus Of Horrors act, in which he inexplicably pulls the device across the stage with his todger. On this occasion, however, "the attachment came loose before a performance so he tried to glue it back on".

The 42-year-old misread the superglue instructions and, having allowed the adhesive a mere 20 seconds to dry rather than the required 20 minutes, duly found himself semi-permanently docked after attempting a premature test.
(Story via Progressive Gold)


AutismNewsBeat said…
Peanut butter breaks down chewing gum.
Unknown said…
What's up Zach? Thank you for sharing this post. I was so bothered to see the excess super glue on our countertops and I'm so glad to know that acetone can do the trick! Well, we used tons of nail polish remover for that, but it really worked! I hope your readers can use this information in the future too. :)

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