Craig may not resign after all

This has been all over the Internets, but I think it should be posted here: Senator Craig (R-Idaho) may not resign after all. I suppose he'll deny that he is gay, which is sad. If he came out and renounced his anti-gay legislative stances, my heart would be with him, despite the fact that his Republicanism enables Bush and all that entails. But if he's going to continue to push an anti-gay agenda, then I'm going to enjoy watching the Republican party go into conniptions over him. I think the Republican party as a whole needs to come out of the gay-bashing closet into which it has locked itself. But it would have to tear itself away from puritanical fundamentalism in order to do. Or fundamentalism would have to tear itself away from homophobia. How likely are either of those?

I feel its worth mentioning that in Britain, it is possible for Tories (i.e. conservatives) to be openly gay. On this issue (and on health care), Britain's right is left of America's left.

UPDATE: TPM TV has a pretty good summary of what's going on:
We thought it was all over when Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) announced his resignation Saturday following the eruption of his airport bathroom sex scandal. But stop right there - was it a resignation, or just the statement of an intent to resign? Now Senator Craig is saying he might not resign after all. What's really going on here behind the scenes? It just so happens that thanks to a couple bizarre twists (in case this story hasn't given you enough), we're privy to the backroom details, in today's episode of TPMtv...


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