I'm in Las Vegas!

Image of Paris, Las Vegas from Christopher Chan's flickr page.
Sarah, Quinn, and I are in Las Vegas. We're not staying at the Paris Hotel, but we're staying near it and we ate at one of the restaurants in it and we walked through it. So that's the picture you get. Our original intention was to celebrate Sarah's filing of her dissertation, but due to an unforseen complication in the approval process, we are instead celebrating the imminent filing of her dissertation. This family vacation is also part of a reciprocity arrangement that enabled me to travel solo to some gaming weekends in July and August.
I haven't really ever been to Vegas, just once passing through as a kid during the day on the way to the Grand Canyon. It's a blast, as long as your need for authenticity isn't too high. It's a strange place to bring your 11-month old son, but he's totally into the sights and sounds. We're staying at The Meridian Condos (Sarah found an excellent deal). It's just off The Strip. There will probably be a few pictures available soon.


Anonymous said…
I was just in Las Vegas myself, or the airport at least, which had a surprisingly good view of many casinos. Can Quinn play the slots? Or at least sit in the area? I couldn't, unfortunately, though it wasn't for lack of access being in the airport. Two more months to go.
Anonymous said…

Whatever you do, do not play the slots in the airport!
Zachary Drake said…
Why not play the slots at the airport? Are the odds worse?

I don't play slots at all. Quinn cannot play the slots. We can walk past them, as you couldn't get anywhere in Vegas if you couldn't walk past a slot machine.

Since we had Quinn with us, many of Vegas' attractions were not feasible for us. For us, Las Vegas was sort of like a free Disneyland with more lurid billboards. It reminded us of the Shinjuku district in Tokyo.
Anonymous said…
It's the only place I had a serious loss, and other have said the same thing. Anecdotal, but si non e vero e ben trovato

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