Republican electoral doom watch, continued

Univision won't be broadcasting a Republican debate on September 16th, because only McCain agreed to show up:
Due to lack of interest, cable television station UnivisiĆ³n has canceled its September 16 Republican debate in Spanish, the Miami Herald reports. Only Sen. John McCain agreed to participate in the event at the University of Miami.

The cancellation adds to the growing distance between the Latino community and most of the Republican field, who "also ignored invitations to attend Hispanic-oriented conferences in Florida organized by the National Association of Latin Elected Officials and the National Council of La Raza."
Via The Right's Field, where David Dayen adds:

It’s OK, Florida isn’t an important swing state or anything.

The GOP is being led by its nativist base right off a cliff. It is undeniable that Hispanic turnout at the polls will only continue to increase, and simply ignoring their issues because a certain strain of their supporters is consumed by hatred makes no sense. This is the kind of thing politicial parties do that ends up destroying them for a generation.

Let us hope. But they won't let go of power quietly. They'll try to whip up what's left of the base with the same old tropes. I'm just glad that Republicans are suffering electorally for all the hate they've whipped up.


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