Al Qaeda wants us to "stay the course" in Iraq

We've heard things like this from captured Al Qaeda communications before, but here's another one:
The most important thing is that you continue in your jihad in Iraq, and that you be patient and forbearing, even in weakness, and even with fewer operations... Do not be hasty. The most important thing is that the jihad continues with steadfastness and firm rooting, and that it grows in terms of supporters, strength, clarity of justification, and visible proof each day. Indeed, prolonging the war is in our interest, with God's permission.
[emphasis Abu Aardvark's] (HT: poputonian on Hullbaloo) Now of course we don't need this captured messages to know that the Iraq occupation is good for Al Qaeda. Our own National Intelligence Estimate identified it as the greatest terrorist recruiting tool there is. Anyone with an ounce of strategic sense could figure out that Al Qaeda and its spin-offs benefit enormously from having us distracted, over-extended, pissing off muslims, and engaging in graphic torture. But these caputred communications should make it obvious enough even to the idiots in the Bush administration, reality-impaired as they are, that eternal occupation of Iraq plays right into the hands of the very folk we're supposed to be fighting.


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