Republicans cratering

The latest USA Today poll is bad news for the Republicans (HT: Sullivan):
WASHINGTON — Four weeks before congressional elections, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows Democrats hold a 23-point lead over GOP candidates. That's double the lead Republicans had a month before they seized control of Congress in 1994.

President Bush's approval rating was 37%, down from 44% in a Sept. 15-17 poll. The approval rating for Congress was 24%, down 5 points from last month.

This Kos post looks at several polls, all of which show Bush below 40%. It'll be interesting to see the reaction from the Korean nuclear test. I've read some both on the left and right who think this is going to give Bush a "security bounce", but I doubt it. People don't trust the Republicans on security anymore, and this test shows the failure of Bush's policies and makes the Iraq war look like even more of a blunder.


Anonymous said…
I'm just furious that Bush has allowed this to happen.
ogre said…

"Allowed this to happen"?

Egads; the man's actively helped it happen. With a spanner, in the library.

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