Contempt for puritanism: Dildos illegal in Texas

Via Feministing, here's a YouTube clip from the film Dildo Diaries about sex toys in Texas. If you want to buy a dildo in Texas, you have to ask for an "educational model" or "personal massage device". But butt plugs you can ask for by name, because the anus is not considered a sexual organ. If you have 6 dildos, apparently that's a felony because they assume you are promoting or distributing them. If you have only 5, then you're just a "hobbyist".


Anonymous said…
Good news for dildo sellers, Texas overturned the ban on sex toys! You can now, as of 2008, legally masturbate with your dildo in the state of Texas. Yee Ha!
Anonymous said…
Nice Job!
Anonymous said…
Its really a very good news.....

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