FOX news showing Foley as a Democrat

Via this Kos diary, more evidence that FOX is "fair and balanced": They show disgraced congressman Foley as a "D" (Democrat), when of course everyone (except perhaps regular FOX viewers) knows he's Republican.


Anonymous said…
Probably a Freudian-induced typo -- even Fox isn't so stupid as to think they can slip that by unnoticed -- but it is funny in context. Maybe the GOP leadership will decide to retroactively cast him off into the Democrats when the history books are written.
Zachary Drake said…
Well, the AP did it, too. So Freud must be having quite a resurgence.
Anonymous said…
FOX did it several times, actually, once even quoting Harry Reid as suggesting that this was a Democratic scandal. Lots of "typos," no?
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for stopping by, shortstop. Yes, it's been happening with more frequency than chance would suggest.

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