Can the British save conservatism?

Sullivan hopes that Tory (i.e. conservative) leader David Cameron can offer a new guiding light for conservatism:
Isn't it refreshing to hear a conservatism that isn't riddled with prejudice, unreason, and religious zeal? Isn't it a relief to hear a conservative actually asking people to sacrifice something for the next generation, instead of stealing from them? Isn't it encouraging to see a conservative leader actually treat gay people as human beings rather than political pawns?
I don't know much about British politics, but I do know that a lot of the ridiculous fights we have in this country on issues like creationism and gays in the military don't happen in other countries because they aren't even an issue there.

I'm not sanguine that the American right-wing can disentangle itself from religious fanaticism, corruption, anti-environmentalism, and longing for authoritarianism. They've been in bed together too long. But maybe a midterm drubbing will be just the thing to help the Republicans snap out of it. But really, are people like James Dobson and Grover Norquist going to engage in soul searching? Is George W. Bush going to take a long, hard look in the mirror and change his ways? Not likely.


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