Horrible 80's videos

And now for something completely frivolous...Andrew Sullivan has begun his 80's videos series. Here's the honorable mention in the "worst" category: Animotion's "Obsession".

It's pretty cringe-inducing. My favorite part is where the male lead singer is dressed as a Valentino-style character and just stares at the camera and raises one eyebrow. I shudder to think what the winners in this category will be like.


Anonymous said…
That Roman military equipment is so wrong that it's hardly enjoyable.

(The laughably bad swordfight does come perilously close to the old "katana vs. rapier" debate).
Zachary Drake said…
A more detailed critique of the Roman attire would of course be welcome...
Anonymous said…
ok so at first I was surprised that you would attack such a great 80's song... but then I watched the video again, and wow... I couldnt even begin to count the way they were so wrong... totally cheese, even worse than that god awfull, unbarable video creed.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for posting, anonymous. Please note: I'm not attacking the song. I'm a fan of cheesey 80's pop. It's the videos that we're mocking here. Head over to Sullivan's site and scroll back through the posts for more video madness. There are some real doozies. The Tori Amos one is unbelievable.
Zachary Drake said…
Oh boy, commercial solicitations. This blog probably isn't yet worth your time to spam. Still, I'm flattered.

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