Your Republican party

Michael "heckuva job" Brown, George "War Criminal" Bush, and Mark "Instant Message" Foley: three great reasons to throw the Republicans out in 2006. Image from Andrew Sullivan. I love the swagger in the picture. Their expressions are a bit worried though. One would hope that they were worried about Hurricane Katrina, but there's little evidence they spent very many brain cycles on that until it became a question of controlling the political fallout (or determining the status of the teenagers Foley had been "grooming"). The stop sign in the background seems to plead, "Stop these guys from completely ruining our country!"


Anonymous said…
Actually I had a little bit of compassion for Brownie after he told Congress that it was Chertoff and Dubya trying to throw him under the bus.

Don't get me wrong -- he screwed up big time too, but the Bush Administration is all about making sure the chain of command is long enough that it's only the scapegoat who takes the blame.
Zachary Drake said…
OK, I agree that Brownie was "thrown under the bus". Really, it's Bush Bush Bush Bush. The buck stops there. We can get rid of these minions, but as long as he's in power we'll just get more of the same.

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