Bowers calls it for Obama already
Why so bold? Early voting : Here is why this is over: In order to win the election, all Barack Obama needs are the Kerry states, plus Colorado, Iowa and New Mexico. That adds up to 273 electoral votes. Obama leads by at least 9.5% in every Kerry state and Iowa, according to both and Real Clear Politics . Also, my own numbers concur with those calculations. This means that in order to win the election, all Obama has to do is hold onto states where he leads by 9.5% or more, and win both Colorado and New Mexico. These are both states where more than half of all voters will cast their ballots before Election Day ( source ). In other words, the elections in Colorado and New Mexico are already almost over, not just beginning. And these are the only two states he needs to win, other than the ones where he leads by double-digits. In Colorado, about 60% of the vote is already in. According to the crosstabs of the three most...