Christians pray at golden bull for wealth
From the "Their reality has lapped our satire" / "No, this isn't The Onion" department, we have this picture of people, who purport to be followers of Christianity, praying at a statue of a bull on Wall Street for economic recovery:

Ah, it pains me to realize that the people doing this probably have no sense of the deep ironies involved. I bet they mean well. And I, too, am scared of financial catastrophe. So perhaps it is cruel to mock them. But c'mon people. A golden bull?

Ah, it pains me to realize that the people doing this probably have no sense of the deep ironies involved. I bet they mean well. And I, too, am scared of financial catastrophe. So perhaps it is cruel to mock them. But c'mon people. A golden bull?
That picture and the article are totally made of win.
But not as much win as the fact that my word verification is "COWmwv"