I'm glad I'm not DMing this campaign

The presidential contest as a very immature D&D campaign. An excerpt:
GM: OK, the bugbear attacks you. What do you do?

OBAMA: I send one of my 672 henchmen after it.

MCCAIN: OK, seriously. Why does he have so many henchmen? I'm a level 72 ranger and he's only a level 8 paladin.

OBAMA: Well, if you'd bought the Grassroots Organizing and Oratory/Colgate Smile proficiencies you could min max it so that you...

MCCAIN: Why is he even IN this campaign? I thought this was supposed to be a high level party.

OBAMA: Well, maybe some people got tired of the grim and squinty "Matterhorn, son of Marathon" shtick you keep doing. Dude, could you be any less original?

MCCAIN: Oh my god, I did not leave my left nut in a tiger cage in the Tomb of Horrors to spend my Friday nights mopping up after the new kid.

OBAMA: "My friends, I am a totally unoriginal grizzled character class stereotype. I should lead the party because I have more testicular damage than that one."

MCCAIN: Yeah, well, you pal around with dark elves.
(HT: Mad Latinist via email)


grishnash said…
Kucinich is classic. I was still waiting for Ralph Nader to show up though and argue about how much the D&D ruleset sucked and prevented creative role-playing and they should all play his preferred game system instead.

(Completely off-topic, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen my word verification end up being an actual English phrase)

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