All your hummus are belong to us

Lebanon is to "hummus" what France is to Champagne, or at least that's what a group of Lebanese businessfolk want:
Middle East peace negotiators may need to be careful what they serve with their pita next time they break bread.

Lebanese businessmen are making a legal claim that would designate hummus as traditional to Lebanon. That would make it easier for them to sue to prevent companies in Israel and other nations from marketing the popular chickpea-and-olive-oil spread as their own.

The Association of Lebanese Industrialists wants the European Union to declare hummus and other culinary specialties as traditional Lebanese dishes. The menu of potential targets also includes arak, the anise-flavored alcoholic drink, and tabouleh, a mixture of bulgur, parsley, mint and other herbs.


Vol-E said…
Shoot if you must this old, gray head, but don't you dare touch my falafel!

...she said.
Niko said…
I heard that feta cheese is similarly contentious, with many nations claiming their version is the true or best form, though I guess according to Wikipedia the EU stepped in to clear the matter up.

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