Great Palin sign

Well, I only got to see a little of the debate, then hear a little more of it, before Quinn meltdown took me away. Non-FOX News Focus groups seem to give it to Biden, as do several of the pundits I read, though the pundits do so by a narrower margin. The "drop Palin from the ticket" contract at Intrade fell sharply, down to about 5%, so that bet of mine is worth less now. She didn't fall on her face apparently. I didn't see enough to give a good critique of the whole thing. She seemed to be quite the Republican talking point machine. But I was not favorably disposed to her.

In lieu of debate analysis, I give you this anti-Palin sign from Mudflats via Progressive Gold:


Anonymous said…
She definitely did better this time. But yes, she was still annoyingly prone to talking-points and non-answers. For instance, she implied that her poor interview performance had been caused by the mainstream media.

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