Cheney's pregnancy causing homophobic cognitive dissonance

Republican lesbians having a baby!

The Republicans are the party of homophobic bigotry...except when they aren't. Dick Cheney's openly lesbian daughter is now pregnant. And the Bushes and Cheneys are all excited about the arrival of a new grandchild. You see folks, the Bushes and Cheneys aren't sincerely anti-gay. They only cynically support bigoted, anti-gay policies for political purposes. Personally, they're just fine with people being gay. I think this makes them worse than homophopes, who are at least sincere in their anti-gay feelings.

Wingers have had some interesting reactions. I like Sullivan's take:
There is surely coming a point at which the sheer dissonance between what the GOP base believes and the way even the most conservative vice-president in modern times deals with the reality of his own family must surely prompt some kind of Republican adjustment.

You cannot be a party that sees gay love, marriage and parenthood as the work of Satan and have a vice-presidential family that is busy building a lesbian family as an integral part of it.
I would hasten to add that one should never underestimate the ability of humans in general, and homophobes in particular, to hold diametrically opposing ideas in their heads simultaneously. Imagine the cognitive dissonance and denial that must be necessary to maintain the idea "George W. Bush is a good president". Yet many people are able to so. (Fewer than in the past certainly, but still quite a few.)


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