I will control the Robotrons...WITH MY BRAIN!!!

Scientists at the University of Washington are busy developing the interface I will use to control my robot army to take over the world (HT: Corrente):
University of Washington researchers have discovered a method to control the movement of a humanoid robot with signals from a human brain.

Rajesh Rao, associate professor of computer science and engineering, and his students have demonstrated that an individual can "order" a robot to move to specific locations and pick up specific objects by generating the proper brain waves that reflect the individual's instructions. The results were presented last week at the Current Trends in Brain-Computer Interfacing meeting in Whistler, British Columbia.

Actually, it doesn't sound that impressive. I already knew we could make a mind-controlled computer mouse. Ordering around a robot doesn't seem much harder than that.

I don't think we can yet get "fine grain" signals via external electrodes yet. And we need to figure out how to get fine grain, real-time sensory information from the robot back to the brain.


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