Throw Rahm Emmanuel under the bus?

Did DCCC Chair Rahm Emmanuel (and other Dems in the DCCC) know about the Foley emails, and sit on them to make the scandal happen closer to the midterm elections? After reading the House Ethics Committee report, Greenwald says yes.

If there were Democrats who knew about this and sat on it for political purposes, they have to go. This would be an excellent, highly-visible way of showing that we are better than the Republicans. I want to find out more, but it doesn't look good.


I had been thinking long and hard why Emanuel had given up a shot at the 3rd spot in the hierarchy of the house.

I am thinking that maybe this has something to do with it. Just a "maybe?" moment.

But it still may be nothing. And I agree that if he did know, he has to go.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for stopping by, CT man 1. I didn't know about Emanuel giving up a shot at that 3rd spot. I'll be watching this develop. I hope it's nothing, too. Emanuel, despite is spats with the netroots, seemed to do some good things with the House campaigns this year. Perhaps the next person (if there is a next person) will combine his fundraising expertise and insider skill with a greater appreciation for what the netroots has to offer.

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