Poll: Clinton beats McCain, ties Giuliani

Good news for Hillary:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton beats John McCain and ties Rudolph Giuliani in a new Newsweek national poll, a stunning counterpoint to recent surveys showing the former first lady trailing the GOP's dueling presidential frontrunners. The poll, taken earlier this month, shows Clinton besting McCain 50 to 43 percent among 1,000 registered voters nationwide. It also showed her in a dead heat with McCain among independents, a group that has proven stubbornly resistant to her centrist message.
I think as McCain allies himself with the Iraq escalation (dude, if I was his campaign manager, I'd be telling him to back off this "surge" crap), we can expect to see his numbers de-escalate. If only Hillary was a more staunch anti-occupation voice.


grishnash said…
Please, just once can I vote in a Presidential Election that doesn't have someone named Bush or Clinton in it? (There hasn't been one since 1976)

Seriously, good news in general, but I'm not too enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton as a candidate. Some part of me would feel really good to see her get elected just because of the crap that's been thrown her way, but other than that, she doesn't seem like an outstanding voice policy-wise.

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