Reid wants out of Iraq

There were cries of liberal dismay (including from me) when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) made a statement that seemed to condone the proposed "surge" of more troops in Iraq. Turns out he's not in favor of it. It's just that he's willing to look at any plan that will get us out of there. Here's his post on
Frankly, I don't believe that more troops is the answer for Iraq. It's a civil war and America should not be policing a Sunni-Shia conflict. In addition, we don't have the additional forces to put in there. We obviously want to support what commanders in the field say they need, but apparently even the Joint Chiefs do not support increased combat forces for Baghdad. My position on Iraq is simple:

1. I believe we should start redeploying troops in 4 to 6 months (The Levin-Reed Plan) and complete the withdrawal of combat forces by the first quarter of 2008. (As laid out by the Iraq Study Group)

2. The President must understand that there can only be a political solution in Iraq, and he must end our nation's open-ended military commitment to that country.

3. These priorities need to be coupled with a renewed diplomatic effort and regional strategy.

I do not support an escalation of the conflict. I support finding a way to bring our troops home and would look at any plan that gave a roadmap to this goal.

It's been two weeks since the Iraq Study Group released its plan to change the course and bring our troops home. Since then, the President has been on a fact finding tour of his own administration -- apparently ignoring the facts presented by those in the military who know best. The President needs to put forth a plan as soon as possible, one that reflects the reality on the ground in Iraq and that withdraws our troops from the middle of this deadly civil war.
Pretty soon, I think Bush's dog is going to issue a statement saying we should get out of there.


Anonymous said…
Yes, man, we need to hear much more from Bush's dog. I think you are on to something there.

I don't think Rove would be able to 'spin' what the dog says. We'd get some straight barks and some sound leadership.

I want to hear more from Bush's dog !

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