Oh dear, Hillary joins video game ratings campaign

Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Joe Lieberman (CT for Lieberman-CT) are joining the ESRB in a public service ad campaign (HT: Kos). I guess it's not too bad, because it's just a campaign to raise awareness of the existing rating system. But please. This schoolmarmish "decency" pandering is pretty pathetic. How about doing something about the real violence in Iraq or against detainees in US custody? As Huffington says:
Oh. My. God.

The violence in Iraq is becoming more savage by the minute -- among the dead yesterday were 45 bullet-riddled corpses found in Baghdad, many of whom had been tortured before being executed -- and Hillary is worried about video game violence? Are you kidding me?

Could she be any more politically tone deaf?

Update: This is getting a lot of blog press: MyDD and VLWC have both picked it up. I like what MyDD has to say:

If there's any way to ensure that youth feel no reason to vote in 2008, this is it. Remember, Senator Clinton is on record saying that young people today "think work is a four-letter word".

A progressive American is necessarily going to be composed of the largest and youngest generation of progressive voters that have ever existed. It's not a good idea to insult them out of the process, unless, well, you're not progressive.


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