More Iraq absurdity: KFC gets reparations

Apparently, Iraq is still having to pay reparations for crimes committed by Saddam's Hussein's regime. That might be well and good, but when there's mayhem in the streets maybe Kentucky Fried Chicken should have to wait a bit to get their $321,000. This Guardian Unlimited article asks why this is going on (HT: Progressive Gold):
Next week, something will happen that will unmask the upside-down morality of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. On October 21, Iraq will pay $200m in war reparations to some of the richest countries and corporations in the world.

If that seems backwards, it's because it is. Iraqis have never been awarded reparations for any of the crimes they suffered under Saddam, or the brutal sanctions regime that claimed the lives of at least half a million people, or the US-led invasion, which the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, recently called "illegal". Instead, Iraqis are still being forced to pay reparations for crimes committed by their former dictator.


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