Deceased officer's stick-figure guide to winning in Iraq

One of 18 slides from a PowerPoint presentation by an American captain

This was pretty interesting to look at, and funny to boot. I wonder if it would have worked. Somehow, looking at this PowerPoint presentation (HT: Sullivan) and knowing its author was killed by an IED brings home the sadness of this war.

I didn't know that cultural thing about the moustaches. Had any IM readers heard of this before? It would certainly explain Saddam Hussein's. Some quick Googling reveals that the Japanese were aware of this:
But favourable Iraqi reaction to the mustachioed Colonel Masahisa Sato, the leader of an advance party dispatched to the southern Iraqi town of Samawa last month, seems to have proved the advantages of facial hair.

"What a magnificent moustache. He looks just like an Iraqi," a Japanese newspaper quoted one local resident as saying.


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