Iranian fundies mad at Ahmadinejad for looking at women

Can you feel the sexual corruption oozing out to seduce the Iranian president? I know I'm getting hot just looking at all those microscopic performers. Just the thought that some of them might be unveiled women gets me all hot & bothered. (Photo of 15th Asian Games opening ceremony stolen from here.)

Apparently, he's not quite puritanical enough (HT: Feministing)
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, who flaunts his ideological fervour, has been accused of undermining Iran's Islamic revolution after television footage appeared to show him watching a female song and dance show.

The famously austere Mr Ahmadinejad has been criticised by his own allies after attending the lavish opening ceremony of the Asian games in Qatar, a sporting competition involving 13,000 athletes from 39 countries. The ceremony featured Indian and Egyptian dancers and female vocalists. Many were not wearing veils.

Wow. Really brings home the level of sexual repression that exists in Iran. I mean, this is crazy:
Women are forbidden to sing and dance before a male audience under Iran's Islamic legal code. Officials are expected to excuse themselves from such engagements when abroad but TV pictures showed Mr Ahmadinejad sitting with President Bashar Assad of Syria and Ismail Haniya, the Palestinian prime minister, during last Friday's ceremony in Doha.
I guess I knew these sorts of rules existed in Iran after reading Reading Lolita in Tehran. But wow. I am so lucky to live in a relatively free country. In some ways, I'm happy to see Ahmadinejad catch flack from the puritans to whom he apparently caters. But really, what was the guy supposed to do? Snub the president of Syria and the Palestinian prime minister and the Asian games by getting up and walking out?

And it's not like he was front row at some Qatari burlesque show with a 20 Rial note in his mouth (Actually, I just checked and there are no 20 Rial notes in circulation now. So let's say it's a 50-Rial note. I'm sure with the price of oil as high as it's been he could afford it) Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, Ahmadinejad's proximity to these unveiled performers. I mean, this was a huge statium show. He was way far away from these temptresses. Unless heads of state are given special close-range oggling seats.

Here's another image (from the same Vietnamese source) that I'm sure will be permanently seared into Iranian president's erotic imagination, transforming his dreams of attaining nuclear weapons and regional dominance into pornographic reveries involving immodest Egyptian vocalists:

Now pardon me while I clean my keyboard.


Anonymous said…
"Now pardon me while I clean my keyboard."


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