Don't fall for it, Harry Reid!

No! Don't offer Bush/McCain's Iraq "surge" bi-partisan approval! Unless you actually think it will work (and you're not that dumb, are you?), you're just letting Bush say "Well, Dems approved it, too" when it turns out not to work. I urge the Democrats to call for a pullout within six months. A majority of Americans approve of this (to say nothing of the fact that a majority of Iraqis want it, too), and that majority is only going to grow as things get worse.

And when I say "six months" (one "Freidman"), I mean six months from now, i.e. by June 2007. Not six months from whenever you happen to be reading this, or six months from whenever that last corner got turned.

UPDATE: Turns out Reid is not so hot on the surge, after all. He was just saying he'd support any plan that got us out of there.


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