Righty bloggers hate BOTH Andrew Sullivans

OK, this is pretty funny. Right Wing News had a little blogging awards poll of bloggers, and Andrew Sullivan was named both #1 "Most annoying right-of-center blogger" and #2 "Most annoying left-of-center blogger", losing only to Kos. (HT: Sullivan who else?) There's no pleasing some people. He also won #2 for most overrated blog. For my part, I like his blog a lot, though of course I think his early cheerleading for the war was pretty reprehensible. I can't think of anyone who's come around to a different point of view more forcefully, though.

Check out the link, it's a good glimpse into who right-wing bloggers like (e.g. Little Green Footballs) and don't like (e.g. Paul Krugman).


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